Thursday, October 7, 2010

The Doctor's Office

Roy Halladay! What a guy, playing 13 yrs in the MLB and not one postseason start, let alone an appearance... until yesterday that is. Yeah, as you all have probably heard, Halladay threw a no-hitter yesterday, the second in postseason history... WHOOP DEE DOO, big whoop, it was only against the team that led the NL in runs, hits, and home runs! But what does this mean for the rest of the playoff teams... I'll tell you... DANGER... IMMENSE DANGER... You do NOT want to face the Phillies... Not only a guy who has thrown for 21 wins, 219 strikeouts, and maintained a 2.44 ERA and a 1.04 WHIP is on the mound as their number one guy, but they also have another no. 1 guy in Roy Oswalt who is 7-1 since becoming a Phillie... It looks as if the Phillies seek revenge for their meltdown in the World Series against the Yankees last year. And if they happen to face the Yankees in the World Series again this year, don't count on the Yankees being the favorites...

Greg F

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